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Comprehensive Site References

Below is the comprehensive list of sources for, we want to make sure the references are known and the information is accurate.  Hopefully this list of sources is helpful!

.303 Magazine Lee-Metford and Magazine Lee-Enfield Skennerton, Ian Ian D. Skennerton 1997 0-949749-25-7 48 part of the Small Arms Identification Series (No. 7); autographed

.450 & .303 Martini Rifles and Carbines Skennerton, Ian Ian D. Skennerton 2002 0-949749-44-3 48 part of the Small Arms Identification Series (No. 15)

.577 Snider-Enfield Rifles & Carbines: British Service Longarms 1866 - c. 1880 Skennerton, Ian Ian D. Skennerton 2003 0-949749-47-8 242 2 copies

.58- and .50 Caliber Rifles and Carbines of the Springfield Armory, 1865-1872, The Richard A. Hosmer North Cape Publications 2006 "1-882391-38-1

1880's American Arms, Schreier, Jr., Konrad F, editor Quail Rance Books 1981 none 48 republish of 1880s magazine articles

A Collector's Guide to Winchester in the Service Canfield, Bruce N. Andrew Mowbray Inc. 1991 0-917218-46-9 184 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 91-060416

A Treatise on the British Military Martini:  The Martini-Henry 1869 - c. 1900 Temple, B.A. and Skennerton, I.D. B.A. Temple 1983 0-9596108-5-5 246

A Treatise on the Snider: The British Soldier's Firearm 1866-c.1880 Skennerton, Ian Ian D. Skennerton 1978 0-9597438-7-1 111-166 photocopy

A Trio of Unusual Remington Military Rolling Block Rifles; Gun Digest Layman, George J. Gun Digest 2011 ISBN 10: 1-4402-1337-2;   ISBN 13: 978-1-4402-1337-3 70-75 article from Gun Digest 65th Edition, 2011

Arm of the World - 1911:  The Fabulous ALFA Catalogue of Arms and the Outdoors  (Reprint) Ed. Schroeder, Jr. Joseph J.  Digest Books Inc. 1972 0-695-80333-6 701 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 70-186803

Armens eldhandvapen forr och nu Alm, Josef Hörsta Förlag AB 1953  386 Kungl. Armémuseums Handböcker

Armes a feu Françaises Modeles Reglementaires: 1833-1918 Boudriot, Jean and Loraine, Pierre and Marquiset, R. L'Eman Paris 1979 2903178100 183 2 copies

Armies of the Balkan States General Staff, Compiled by Imperial War Museum / Battery Press [reprint] 1915 0-89839-262-4 ~450 5 Handbooks in 6 Parts, ~75 pgs /Part

Armies of the Balkan States, 1914-18 -  The Military Forces of Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Rumania and Servia (Reference)  General Staff, War Office The Imperial War Museum w. Battery Press 1915 0-89839-264-4 ~500 in 6 parts bound together

Arming The Dragon:  Mauser Rifle Production in China 1895-1950 Goldsmith, Dolf L. published by the author 1996  47 photos & line drawings, 8.5x11, spiral bound SC

Arms for Spain; Untold Story of the Spanish Civil War Howson, Gerald  St. Martin's Press, N.Y. 1998 0-312-24177-1 354 1st Pub in G.B., first US edition

Bannerman Catalogue of Military Goods ~ 1927 n/a DBI Books Inc. 1980 0-910676-20-8 372

Bayonets of the World: Volume 1, Kiesling, Paul Military Collectors Service 1973 unknown unknown ASIN: B0006CBH90

Bayonets of the World: Volume 2, Kiesling, Paul Military Collectors Service 1973 90-70-073 131 ASIN: B0006CBH90

Bayonets of the World: Volume 3, Kiesling, Paul Military Collectors Service 1973 907009309 136 ASIN: B0006CBH90

Bayonets of the World: Volume 4, Kiesling, Paul Military Collectors Service 1973 907009309 189 ASIN: B0006CBH90

Bayonets of the Remington Cartridge Period, Janzen, Jerryl Cedar Ridge Publications 1993 0-9619789-2-9 186 autographed; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:  93-072412

Bayonets: From Jazen's Notebook Janzen, Jerry Cedar Ridge Publications 1987 0-9619789-1-0 258 Fifth printing

Black Powder Guns & Shooting (Summer 1979) n/a Newsstand Media Publications Inc. 1979 none 96 magazine

Black Powder Mauser Rifles Stefayne, David David Stefayne 1982 none 82 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 82-99819; photocopy

Boer Rifles and Carbines of the Anglo-Boer War Bester, Ron War Museum of the Boer Republics 1994 1-874979-02-2 215 autographed

Bolt Action Military Rifles of the World Mowbray, Stuart C. and Puleo, Joe Andrew Mowbray Inc. 2009 1-931464-39-1 408

British Service Rifles and Carbines 1888-1900 Petrillo, Alan M. Excalibur Publications 1994 1-880677-05-9 72

Brown Military Gun, Ballard Sporting Rifles, Southerner Pistols, &c. Manufactured by the Brown Manufacturing Co. unknown Brown Manufacturing Co. 1869 none 15 booklet; autographed reprinted by George Layman 974/1000; 1998

Cartridges for Breech-Loading Rifles Mattenheimer, A. Armory Publications 1989 0-939683-05-9 35 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 89-15027

Cartridges of the World Barnes, Frank C. DBI Books Inc. 1985 0-910676-95-X 416 revised fifth edition; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 65-16729

Casting Metal Parts Hoffman, Harold H&P Publishing 1991 none 34 booklet; ASIN: B0006QI50A

Central Powers' Small Arms of World War One Walter, John The Crowood Press Ltd 1999 1-8126-124-1 208

Civil War Breech Loading Rifles - A survey of the innovative Infantry arms of the American Civil War McAulay, John D. Andrew Mowbray Inc. 1987 0-917218-29-9 128 3rd printing

Civil War Chief of Sharpshooters Hiram Berdan Military Commander and Firearms Inventor Marcot, Roy Northwood Heritage Press 1989 961149418 342

Classic Arms & Militaria (Vol. 15 No. 2), n/a Blaze Publishing Limited 2008 none 62 magazine ASIN: B00007KPLV

Classic Arms & Militaria (Vol. 15 No. 6), n/a Blaze Publishing Limited 2008 none 62 magazine; ASIN: B00007KPLV

Collecting Classic Bolt Action Military Rifles Scarlata, Paul S. Andrew Mowbray Inc. 2001 0-917218-96-5 280 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 01-132146

Colt Rifles & Muskets: From 1847-1870 Houze, Herbert G. Krause Publications 1996 0-87341-417-9 184 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 95-82425

Complete Book of Firearms Masini, Sergio and Rotasso, Gian Rodolfo Portland House 1988 0-517-66947-1 288 1988 ed.;

Das Waffensystem Werndl: Josef Werndl - Erfolg und Dynamik aus Steyr Schuy, Joschi Joschi Schuy 1997 3-9500718-0-6 485

Deadly Business:  Sam Cummings, Interarms & the Arms Trade Brogan, Patrick & Albert Zarca Norton 1983 0-393-01766-4 384

Defending the Dominion: Canadian Military Rifles 1855-1955 Edgecombe, David W. Service Publications 2003 1-894581-15-6 168

Description and Rules for the Management of the Springfield Breech-Loading Rifle Musket: Model 1866 Springfield Armory, United States War Dept. United States Armory 1876 none n/a booklet; ASIN: B000UDTHAG

Description and Rules for the Management of the Springfield Breech-Loading Rifle Musket: Model 1868 n/a National Armory 1869 none 20 booklet

Description and Rules for the Management of the Ward-Burton Rifle Musket Model: 1871 unknown National Armory 1872 none 16 booklet

Die Handfeuerwaffen Schmidt, Rudolf Adeva, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt 1968 none 68

Die Leichten Schwedischen Infanteriegewehre Armee und Heimwehr Schinke, Carsten Journal-Verlag Schwend GmbH 1996 none 149 ASIN: B0012KOQZW

Du Fusil Modèle 1867   1870   Sir, please finish this; photocopy

Firearm Blueing and Browning Angier, R.H. Stackpole Books; Arms & Armour Press 1936 none 151 first printing edition; ASIN: B001PI98CM

Firearms Past and Present: A Complete Review of Firearms Systems and Their Histories: Volume 1 Lugs, Jaroslav Greenville Publishing Co. Ltd. 1973 903243059 717 boxed set with volume 2

Firearms Past and Present: A Complete Review of Firearms Systems and Their Histories: Volume 2 Lugs, Jaroslav Greenville Publishing Co. Ltd. 1973 903243059 717 boxed set with volume 2

Fusils et Carabines de Collection Pellaton, Frédéric and Caranta, Raymond and Bonsignori, Henrí and Jordanoglou, Jean Crépin-Leblond 1995 2703001339 349 2 copies

German Armies (1): 1870-71 Prussia Solka, Michael Osprey Publishing 2004 1-84176-754-9 48 part of the Men-at-Arms series

German Armies (1): 1870-71 Prussia's Allies Solka, Michael Osprey Publishing 2005 1-84176-755-7 48 part of the Men-at-Arms series

German Military Rifles and Pistols: 1871-1945 Götz, Hans Dieter Schiffer Publishing Ltd. 1990 0-88740-246-X 245

Geschichte der Handfeuerwaffen Günther, Reinhold Wissen und Können 1909 3-7463-0138-6 131

Great Century of Guns Bodgdanović, Branko and Valenčak, Ivan Gallery Books, W.H. Smith Publishers Inc. 1986 0-8317-4070-1 280

Gun Owner's Book of Care, Repair and Improvement Dunlap, Roy Times Mirror Magazines Inc.; Harper and Row 1974 none 336 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 73-92404; ASIN: B000NZV646

The Gun Report (Vol. 50 No. 5) October 2004 n/a World-Wide Gun Report, Inc. 2004 none 79 ISSN: 0017-5617; magazine

The Gun Report, (Vol. 50 No. 6) November 2004 n/a World-Wide Gun Report, Inc. 2004 none 79 ISSN: 0017-5617; magazine

The Gun Report, (Vol. 50 No. 7) December 2004 n/a World-Wide Gun Report, Inc. 2004 none 79 ISSN: 0017-5617; magazine

The Gun Report, (Vol. 50 No. 9) February 2005 n/a World-Wide Gun Report, Inc. 2005 none 67 ISSN: 0017-5617; magazine

Guns for the Tsar:  American Technology and the Small Arms Industry in Nineteenth-Century Russia  Joseph Bradley Northern Illinois University Press 1990 0-87580-154-4 274 2nd Copy for Sharpless

Guns for the Tsar: American Technology and the Small Arms Industry in Nineteenth-Century Russia Bradley, Joseph Northern Illinois University Press 1990 875801544 274 Hardcover; First Edition

Guns Of The Empire Firearms British Soldier 1837-1987 Markham, George Arms & Armour 1991 1854090720; ISBN-13: 9781854090720 159

Guns of the Gurkhas: The Lost Arsenal: Pistols, Rifles and Machine-Guns of the Royal Nepalese Army, 1816-1945 Walter, John Tharston Press 2005 0-946696-45-4 128

Guns of the World Tanner, Hans (editor) Bonanza Books, Crown Publishers Inc. 1977 0-517-225182 366

Guns through the Ages Booth boyd, Geoffrey Sterling Publishing Co. Inc 1962 none 192 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 62-15152; ASIN: B000O8CR9A

Handbook of Military Rifle Marks: 1866-1950 Hoffman, Richard A. and Schott, Noel P. Mapleleaf Militaria Publications 1998 none 60 new second edition; autographed original; ASIN: B0006S1CC6

Handbook of Military Rifle Marks: 1870-1950 Hoffman, Richard A. and Schott, Noel P. Mapleleaf Militaria Publications 1994 none 42 second edition: ASIN: B0006PHRAA

Handfeuerwaffen System Vetterli: Bewaffnung und Ausrüstung der Schweizer Armee seit 1817 Schneider, Hugo and am Rhyn, Michael and Krebs, Oskar and Reinhart, Christian and Schiess, Robert Stocker-Schmid Dietikon 1970 none 143 ASIN: B000I9PUOY

Hand-und Faustfeuerwaffen: Schweizerische Ordonnanz 1817 bis 1875 Michel, Theodor Verlag Huber 1971 3-7193-0004-8 163

Historia da Arma de Fogo Portatil Mardel, Luiz Imprensa Nacional 1887 none 58 reprinted by Cornell Publications; ASIN: B0000D5PM5

History of Remington Firearms, The Marcot, Roy Lyons Press 2005 1-59228-690-9 128 just way too broad, mostly pistols & sporting rifles

Imported Military Firearms 1866-1899 Frey, Steve Steve Frey 1995 970557205 100 printing #2, autographed

In the Gravest Extreme:  The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection Ayoob, Massad F. Ayoob, Massad F. 1980 none 130 21st printing; ASIN: B000K7CGY6

International Arms & Militaria Collector (Vol. 2 No. 3) n/a Arms & Militaria Press 1996 none 67 magazine

Jacob Snider's Action & E.M. Boxer's Cartridge: The Snider-Enfield Rifle Purdon, Charles J. Museum Restoration Service 1990 0-919316-24-7 32 Historical Arms Series No. 24

Jarmann: Åren 1876-1889 von Weymarn, Peter unknown 1990 unknown 58

Kynoch Ammunition 1884 Lion Works unknown Cornell Publishing 2006 none 27 booklet; reprint

La Grande Aventure des Fusils Réglementaires Français: 1866-1936 Vuillemin, Henri Gazette des Armes 1996 none 98 ISSN: 0767-869X; magazine

Les armes à feu de la Défense nationale et leurs baïonnettes: 1870-1871 Puaud, Jack and Mery, Christian Crépin-Leblond 2007 2-70-300314-4 309

Les armes à feu portatives:  Des Armeés Actuelles et Leurs Munitions Bornecque, Jules Chgarles Constant Librairie Militaire de L. Bauduin 1893  ~250 Facsimile reprint (Bibliolife 2010)

Les armes à feu portatives:  leur origine et leur development historique et technique jusqu'a nos jours Schmidt, Rudolf; tras. By J.N. Cuttat H. Georg, Libraire-Editeur 1877   Facsimile reprint (Bibliolife 2010)

Les Armes Américaines de la Défense Nationale: 1870-1871 Lorain, Pierre and Boudroit, Jean Lorain & Boudriot 1970 none 96 ASIN: B001XQ1XBU

Les Armes Françaises en 1870-1871 Huon, Jean Crépin-Leblond 2007 978-2-70-300309-0 56 2 copies

Les Fusils Francais A Verrou. Du Chassepot Au F.R. F2 Huon, Jean Crepin Leblond  2005 EAN13 : 9782703002710  270 bottom of pages water wrinkled

Man at Arms: The NRA Journal for the American Arms collector (vol. 15, #4) July/August 1993 n/a The National Rifle Association 1993 none 64 ISSN: 0191-3522; magazine

Man at Arms: The NRA Journal for the American Arms collector (vol. 19, #4) August 1997 n/a The National Rifle Association 1997 none 80 ISSN: 0191-3522; magazine

Mannlicher Military Rifles: Straight Pull and Turn Bolt Designs Scarlata, Paul S. Andrew Mowbray Inc. 2004 1-931464-14-6 167 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2004107813; autographed

Mannlicher Rifles and Pistols Famous Sporting and Military Weapons Smith, Walter H.B., & Von Kromar The Military Service Publisheing Company 1947 9781163176504 239 Kessinger Legacy Reprints

Martini-Henry .450 Rifles & Carbines Lewis, Dennis Excalibur Publications 1996 1-880677-12-1 70

Mauser Bolt Rifles Olson, Ludwig F. Brownell & Son, Publishers Inc. 1976 none 364 third edition; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 76-9459; ASIN: B000RODEO8

Mauser Military Rifles of the World Ball, Robert W.D. Krause Publications 2000 0-87341-828-X 300 second edition; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 95-82422

Mauser Military Rifles of the World, Fourth Ed Ball, Robert W.D. Gun Digest Books 2006 ISBN-10: 0896892964;  ISBN-13: 978-0896892965 448

Metalwork ~ Part 1: Cleaning, Hardening, Ageing, & Coloring Ravenshear, Kit Museum Services Historic Arms Preservation Society 1993 none 16 booklet

Mexican Military Arms: The Cartridge Period 1866-1867 Hughes, Jr. James B. Deep River Armory Inc. 1968 none 135 ASIN: B0006BT1K8

Military Bolt Action Rifles: 1814-1918 Webster, Donald B. Museum Restoration Service 1993 0-88855-004-9 142

Military Rifle & Machine Gun Cartridges Huon, Jean Ironside International Publishers Inc. 1988 0-935554-05-X 378

Military Rifles of Japan Honeycutt, Jr., Fred L. and Anthony, F. Patt Julin Books 1996 0-9623308-7-0 207 fifth edition (revised)

Military Rifles: Photographs and Descriptions of U.S. and Foreign Shoulder Arms and Cartridges of World War I and World War II n/a The National Rifle Association 1987 none 24 ASIN: B000E128GE

Military Rolling Block Rifles of the Rarest Kind; Gun Digest Layman, George J. Gun Digest 2007 none 23-33 article from Gun Digest 61st Edition, 2007; ASIN: B000066T0G

Modern Breech-loaders: Sporting & Military Greener, W.W. Lujac Publishers 1971 none 273 ASIN: B0006YI6PG

Moroland - The History of Uncle Sam and the Moros 1899-1920 Robert A. Fulton Tumalo Creek Press 2007 978-0-9795173-0-3 524 2009 Revised Ed.

Nederlandse Vuurwapens: Landmacht, Marine en koloniale troepen 1866-1895 Martens, B.J. and de Vries, G. S.I. Publicaties B.V. 2001 90-805583-3-8 271

Norske Militærgeværer Etter 1867 Hanevik, Karl Egil Hanevik våpen 1998 82-993143-1-3 431 autographed

Official Guide to Gunmarks Balderson, Robert H. House of Collectibles, Crown Publishing Group 1996 0-676-60039-5 367 third edition

Om skjutvapen och skjutkonsten Lemchen, C  1889, 1979  128 Facsimile reprint (Bokförlaget Rediviva)

Ordnance Shoulder Arms 1841-1890: Guide to Their Identification Pagani, Massimo Massimo Pagani 1997 88-85369-01-4 349

Ordnance Shoulder Arms 1841-1890: Guide to Their Identification - [Photocopy] Pagani, Massimo Massimo Pagani 1997 88-85369-01-4 349 photocopy

Out of Nowhere - A History of the Military Sniper Pegler, Martin Osprey Publishing 2004 1-84603-140-0 352

Peabody Breech-Loading Fire-Arms for Infantry and Cavalry Service, prepared for the St. Louis Board of Army and Navy Officers.  Manufactured by Providence Tool Co. Armory unknown Cornell Publishing 2006 none 26 booklet; reprint

Peabody Breech-Loading Fire-Arms Manufactured by Providence Tool Company 1865-1866 unknown Cornell Publishing 2005 none  booklet; reprint

Peabody-Martini Rifle Manufactured by the Profidence Tool Co.: c. 1875 unknown Cornell Publishing 2006 none 40 booklet; reprint

Pictorial History of the Rifle Swenson, G.W.P. Bonanza Books, Crown Publishers Inc. 1972 0-517-225247 184 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 77-76012

Polishing & Buffing Hoffman, Harold H&P Publishing 1991 none 32 booklet; ASIN: B0006QI50U

Providence Tool Co. Military Arms Hull, Edward A. Santa Rosa Printing 1979 none 79 second edition; autographed; ASIN: B0006E2CLK

Remington Arms Company unknown Remington Arms Company 1897 none 36 booklet; autographed reprinted by George Layman 994/1000

Remington Rolling Block Firearms Shreier, Jr. Konrad F. Pioneer Press 1977 09-913150-39-8 61 Reprinted 1987

Remington Rolling Block Military Rifles of the World Layman, George J. Andrew Mowbray 2010 1-931464-45-6 238

Rifled Musket, The Fuller, Claud E. Bonanza Books, Crown Publishers Inc. 1958  302 Library of Congress Catalog No 58-12324

Rifles of the World: The Definitive Illustrated Guide to the World's Centerfire & Rimfire Rifles - Second Edition Walter, John Krause Publications 1998 0-87349-202-1 510 second edition; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 93-70481

Rifles of the World: The Definitive Illustrated Guide to the World's Centerfire (First Edition) Walter, John DBI Books Inc. 1993 0-87349-150-5 320 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 93-70481

Rifles of the World: World's Definitive Guide to Centerfire & Rimfire Rifles - Third Edition Walter, John Krause Publications 2006 0-89689-241-7 616 third edition

Serbian and Yugoslav Mauser Rifles Bogdanovic, Branko North Cape Publications 2005 1-882391-35-7 278

Small Arms of European Armies, The Kimball, U.S.N., W. W. Scribner's Magazine 1889  364-377 Magazine Article from Scribner's Magazine

Small Arms of the World Smith, Joseph E. (editor) The Stackpole Company 1969 883651556 768 9th revised ed.; SBN 8117-1566-3

Socket Bayonets of the Great Powers: A Collector's Guide Shuey, Robert W. Excalibur Publications 1990 1-880677-14-8 96

Spencer Repeating Rifle Company: Navy Rifle, Army Rifle, Large Carbine, Small Carbine, Sporting Rifle unknown Cornell Publishing 2006 none 36 booklet; reprint

Stabilimento Militare Armamento Leggero-Terni [The Terni Light Weapons Military Factory]   -The Vetterli Rifle   -The Antiques of Elia Rossi Passavanti     21 photocopy

Surplus Firearms (a Guns & Ammo Annual magazine) multiple articles by Scarlatta Guns & Ammo / Intermedia Outdoors, Inc. 2009  128 Albini, Bira, Ital Vetterli, Werndl, French 1917

Swiss Magazine Loading Rifles 1869-1958 Poyer, Joe North Cape Publications Inc. 2003 1-882391-32-2 235

Target Switzerland - Swiss Armed Neutrality in World War II Stephen P. Halbrook Sarpedon 1998 1-885119-53-4 320

The Ak47 Story: Evolution of the Kalashnikov Weapons Ezell, Edward Clinton Stackpole Books 1986 0-811709167 256 good ammount of Imperial Russian info

The American Bayonet 1776-1964 Hardin, Albert Nolan, Jr. Riling and Lentz 1964  234 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 64-66417

The Arms of Kiangnan: Modernization in the Chinese ordnance industry, 1860-1895 Kennedy, Thomas L. Westview Press 1978  246 Do not have - reviewed-scanty info

The Boer War (2) 1899-1902 Fremont-Barnes, Gregory Osprey Publishing 2003 1-84176-396-9 95 part of the Essential Histories series

The Boer Wars (1): 1836-98 Knight, Ian Osprey Publishing 2004 1-85532-612-4 48 part of the Men-at-Arms series

The Book of Rifles Smith, W.H.B. and Smith, Joseph The Stackpole Company 1963 none 656 third edition; Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 63-12562; ASIN: B000FZ2WJM

The British Falling Block Breechloading Rifle from 1865 Kirton, Jonathan R&R Books 1997 1-884849-21-0 380 second edition

The Burgess Long-Range Repeating Rifle, the Whitney Breech-Loading Rifle, the Phœnix Breech-Loading Rifle Manufactured by the Whitney Arms Company unknown Cornell Publishing 2005 none 36 booklet; reprint

The Cartridge Collector's Notebook Yust, Jr., Charles H. Military Arms Research Service 1983  122 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:  83-62957

The Complete Metal Finishing Book Hoffman, Harold H&P Publishing 1992 none 364 booklet; ASIN: B0006QI50K

The Defence of Plevna,  1877  Written by One who took part in it von Herbert, Captain Frederick William  Ministry of Culture 1990 975-17-0604-1 366 1894, reprint of 1911 Ed.  W. fold-Out map

The Evolution of the French Military Bolt Action Rifle: 11 mm Chassepot and Gras Rifles, 8 mm Lebel and Berthier Rifles, 7.5 mm MAS Model 36 Rifles Pontious, Harry  1999   booklet, photocopy

The Evolution of the French Military Bolt Action Rifle: 11 mm Chassepot and Gras Rifles, 8 mm Lebel and Berthier Rifles, 7.5 mm MAS Model 36 Rifles Pontious, Harry H. Pontious 2000 none 68 booklet

The Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871 Badsey, Stephen Osprey Publishing 2003 1-84176-412-4 95 part of the Essential Histories series

The German Rifle: A Comprehensive Illustrated History of the Standard Bolt-Action Designs, 1871-1945 Walter, John Fortress Publications Inc. 1979 0-96904-868-8  0-85268-312-3 160

The Gun Report - Vol 32 No. 10 Hull, Edward A World-Wide Gun Report 1987  14-20 Berdan

The Gun Report - Vol 32 No. 12 Hull, Edward A World-Wide Gun Report 1989  14-19 Berdan

The Gun Report - Vol 33 No. 2 Hull, Edward A World-Wide Gun Report 1990  14-19 Berdan

The Gun Report - Vol 33 No. 4 Hull, Edward A World-Wide Gun Report 1991  50-55 Berdan

The Gun Report - Vol 33 No. 5 Hull, Edward A World-Wide Gun Report 1992  14-18 Berdan

The Gun Report - Vol 33 No. 5 Schreier, Jr., Konrad F, editor World-Wide Gun Report 1992  22-24 Tabatiere, Zulu Shotgun

The Gun Report - Vol 33 No. 6 Hull, Edward A World-Wide Gun Report 1993  14-19 Berdan

The Gun Report - Vol 33 No. 7 Hull, Edward A World-Wide Gun Report 1994  46-51 Berdan

The History and Development of Small Arms Ammunition: Volume 1 Hoyem, George A. Armory Publications 1981 0-9604982-8-1 230 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 80-67532

The History and Development of Small Arms Ammunition: Volume 2 Hoyem, George A. Armory Publications 1982 0-9604982-9-X 303 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 80-67532

The History of Remington Firearms: The History of One of the World's Most Famous Gun Makers Marcot, Roy The Lyons Press 2005 1-59228-690-9 128

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of 19th Century Firearms Myatt, MC Major F. Crescent Books 1979 0-517-27786-7 216 (2) copies

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Firearms Hogg, Ian V. Chartwell Books Inc. 1978 0-906286-41-7 319 First published 1978; reprinted 1988

The Indian Field Shikar Book: Guide for Big Game Hunting in India Burke, W.S. (compiler) Cornell Publishing 2006 none unknown booklet; reprint

The International Arms Review 1 Barlow, Roger (editor) Jolex Inc. 1999 none 299 ASIN: B001GNZZG4

The Italian Vetterli Rifle, Development, Variants and History in Service.  Wilsey, Robert 2016 Mowbray Publishing, Woonsocket, RI, USA.  ISBN:1-931464-72-3.

The Lee-Enfield Story: A Complete Study of the Lee-Metford, Lee-Enfield, S.M.L.E. and No.4 Series Skennerton, Ian Ian D. Skennerton 1993 978-1853671388 503 autographed

The Maynard Rifle with Interchangeable Barrels in Calibres from 22 to 50.  Manufactured by the Massachusetts Arms Co. unknown Massachusetts Arms Co. 1890 none 40 booklet; autographed reprinted by George Layman 996/1000; 1998

The Military Remington Rolling Block Rifle Layman, George J. George J. Layman 1996 1-879356-12-0 146 third printing; originally published in first and second printings by Wolfe Publishing company Prescott, Arizona; autographed

The Military Remington Rolling Block Rifle Layman, George J. Pioneer Press 1999 1-877704-32-6 148 Revised fourth edition

The Military Small Arms of South Australia 1829-1901 Harris, Anthony F. Anthony F. Harris 1997 0-9594427-1-5 210 2 copies; also photocopied pages

The Military Sniper since 1914 Pegler, Martin Osprey Publishing 2001 1-84176-141-9 64

The Reminton-Lee Rifle Myszkowski, Eugene Excalibur Publications 1994 1-880677-04-0 103

The Repeating Rifles on the Mannlicher System of the Oesterreichische Waffenfabriks-Gesellschaft unknown Schriever & Co. 1896 none 40 photocopy

The Rifle Story: An Illustrated History from 1756 to the Present Day Walter, John MBI Publishing Co. 2006 1-85367-690-X 304

The Russo-Japanese War: 1904-05 Ivanov, A. and Jowett, P. Osprey Publishing 2004 1-84176-708-5 49 part of the Men-at-Arms series

The Snider-Enfield Purdon, Charles J. Museum Restoration Service 1963 none 8 part of the Historical Arms Series; ASIN: B0007IUBZY

The Standard Directory of Proof Marks: With WWII German Ordnance Codes Wirnsberger, Gerhard Jolex Inc. 1975 0-89149-006-X 192 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 75-11048

The Swiss and the Nazis - How the Alpone Republic Survived in the Shadow of the Third Reich Stephen P. Halbrook Casemate 2006 1-932033-42-4 353

The Tools of Empire - Technology and European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century Daniel R. Headrick Oxford University Press 1981 0-19-502831-7 221

The Turkish Connection: The Saga of the Peabody-Martini Rifle Actermeier, William O. Man at Arms Magazine 1979 n/a 12-57 article from Man at Arms March/April 1979; photocopy; ASIN: B00006KMQ8

The Warner Collector's Guide to American Longarms Madaus, H. Michael Warner Books Inc. 1981 0-446-97628-8 255 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 80-25449

The Zulu War 1879 Knight, Ian Osprey Publishing 2003 1-84176-612-7 95 part of the Essential Histories series

To Keep and Bear Arms - The Origins of an Anglo-American Right Joyce Lee Malcolm Harvard University Press 1994 0-674-89306-9 232

Treasure is Where You Find It. . . The Thirty Year Quest to Save the Royal Armoury of Nepal Cranmer, Christian Tharston Press 2004 0-946696-43-8 95

United States Firearms: the First Century 1776-1875 Butler, David F. Winchester Press 1971 0-87691-030-04 249

Victoria's Victories: Seven Classic Battles of the British Army, 1849-1884  Smith,  Peter C. Spellmount Ltd 1987 0-946711-17-0 200 coffee table size

Westley Richards & Co.: British Single Shot Rifles Volume 4 Winfer, Walter G. Rowe Publications 2000 0-9707608-0-9 265

Winchester Bolt Action Military & Sporting Rifles 1877-1937 Houze, Herbert G. Andrew Mowbray Inc. 1998 0-917218-84-1 206 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 98-067696

Winchester Repeating Arms Company:  Its History & Development from 1865 to 1981 Herbert G. Houze Krause Publications 1994 0-87341-285-0 511 Large & well illustrated

Fabrique D'Armes de Guerre, de Chasse Et de Tir Du Systeme Vetterli:  Fondee En 1860 Société Industrielle Suisse Société Industrielle Suisse 1875  ~72 softcover

Fucili militari della prima guerra mondiale Paolo N. Sinha Edisport Editoriale Srl 2019 9-788888 593630 205 hardcover; First Edition, EXCELLENT color photographs

This is a selected bibliography for those interested in excellent further readings and a listing of places to look for the books referenced below:


John C. Denner Co.
Antique Arms, Militaria and Books

Box 122 RR!
North Lancaster, Ontario
K0C 1Z0    Canada
fax 613-525-1865

I.D.S.A. Books
Box 1457
Piqua, Ohio  45356
fax:  937-778-1922

Rutgers Book Center
127 Raritan Ave.
Highland Park, N.J.  08904
fax 908-545-6686

Further Readings

Page built November 11, 1999.

Updated: Nov 22, 2021

Updated Dec 22, 2021

Copyright 1997-2025 Keith Doyon & Josh Underkofler 

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