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Chilean Comblain

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(Fusil Comblain Chileno)  Credit:

  (It does not appear that Chile ever assigned model numbers to their Comblains, but multiple South American Spanish-Language sources, including the Museo Histórico Carabineros de Chile, repeatedly refer to this rifle H. Comblain himself referred to it at the time it was first ordered by Chile, being the Comblain II.  Note, though that this rifle is much more closely related to the M1870 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain than to the similarly-named Peruvian Comblain II,  and also that convention has come to calling it a “Comblain.”  Thus our designation of simply “Comblain”)


  While Spain conquered and colonized much of South America other than Brazil in the mid-16th century, Spain never fully conquered southwestern Chile. In 1818 the local Chilean government declared independence and after consolidating its southwest, the country had a period of relative stability for a couple of generations.

  As a result of the War of the Pacific (1879-1883), a multinational conflict involving a war between Chile and a Bolivian-Peruvian alliance, Chile gained significant territory and additional economic power. This significant war, largely unknown by the English speaking world, lasted four and a half years, resulted in over 25,000 casualties and politically reshaped the South America Pacific coast. The war would see all three countries invest significantly in numbers of new breach loading rifles, replacing their earlier stores of capping muzzleloaders and transitional breach loaders, but that process had begun substantially earlier for both Chile and Peru.

  In 1869 the government of Peru sent Francisco Bolognesi and a commission headed by Colonel Emilio Castañón to Europe to investigate more about the supply of modern weapons for the army and to contract for rifles for them.  Castañón was particularly interested in the Comblains and he placed an order with G. Mordant for such rifles even prior to the Belgians placing their own order for what would become the M1870 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain.  Although Peru was able to purchase and obtain a shipment of about 2,000 Comblain rifles (the Peruvian Long Lever Comblain II) along with a supply of two million cartridges, Peru was not able to obtain additional rifles in this time period because the Liège syndicate manufacturing Comblains had contracted with Chile for a larger order of 9,000 rifles in 1872, and then in 1873 for an even larger contract for some 10-12,000 Comblain rifles for Brazil (M1873 Brazilian Comblain) and was thus fully committed for several years’ production.

  In 1872, a Chilean mission to Belgium led by Emilio Sotomayor Baeza bought 4,000 “Comblain II rifles” (identical to the then in production Belgian Garde Civique rifles) and the following year Chile bought 3,000 more rifles of the same type.  It is unclear which of Chile’s six distinct contract orders for Comblain rifles each of these constituted.


Map of South America 1870 - Photo Credit


  It seems that Hubert-Joseph Comblain and his manufacturing partner, the firm of Lambin & Cie., had barely finished introducing what they had been referring to as the Comblain II, when Chile made their first order for the new Comblain rifle.  Kirton suggests that based on recorded examples of which he has become aware, that the first Chilean order for Comblains was highly likely to have been placed as early as 1871, with some delivery likely to have begun in 1872. This initial production run could not have involved a large number of rifles, however, because the syndicate producing them was also heavily involved at the same time in fulfilling manufacture of the M1870 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain. Kirton further offers that Chilean army records indicate that the rifles only entered service in 1874, which would have made the fulfillment of the early orders contemporaneous with those of the M1873 Brazilian Comblains in 1873-4.

  Judging from patent royalty numbers, as many as five subsequent orders of Comblain rifles were placed and delivered, with all Chilean rifles identified to date having been manufactured by either Auguste Francotte or G.Mordant.


This rifle was a part of the 2nd or 3rd Chilean Orders


This Francotte-produced rifle was a part of the 3rd or 4th Chilean Orders


  Chilean Comblains are actually short rifles as distinct from the full length rifles of the M1881 Persian Comblain and M1882 Belgian Comblain varieties. The Chilean rifles are virtually exact copies of the M1870 Belgian and the contemporaneous M1873 Brazilian short rifles (carabinas), except that the Chileans were manufactured totally of steel, without any bronze parts whatsoever, unlike the Belgians which were nearly all bronze or the Brazilians which featured a steel receiver but bronze fittings, barrel bands and butt plate. In that regard they are unique to Chile as they do not match any other variety of Comblain, including any of the versions sold to Brazil (see: M1873-1889 Brazilian Comblains).  



  All of the Chilean Comblains of which we are aware are of the same model, identical to the M1870 Belgian Garde Civique as well as the M1873 Brazilian Comblain, except for markings and being completely of steel.


The steel action of the Chilean Comblain

  This rifle, like the Brazilian model, has a separate lower tang, short, chunky receiver and the rear sling swivel attached to a separate plate which itself is dovetailed into the lower front of the receiver. However, like the Belgian model but unlike its Brazilian cousins, the Chilean Comblain has an exposed hammer with cocking spur and half-cock safety.  Distinctively, the Chilean model is fitted with steel barrel bands, nosecap and buttplate and is built on a steel receiver with completely steel action.


Note that the lower tang is now a separate piece of steel held into the receiver by a transverse screw


Photo Credits:  Kristopher Gassior 

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Steel buttplate of the Chilean model



  Although they have often been referred to as “dropping block actions”, they are probably more correctly described as “sliding block actions.”

  All Comblains operate on exactly the same principle and in the same manner.  Please see the section “OPERATING MECHANISM” at M1870 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain.



  Belgian military rifles, both those of the regular Belgian Army as well as the Garde Civique are usually, although certainly not always, found with the government ownership mark, “GB in an oval.”  Note that the Chilean rifles will of course not have such Belgian government property markings. 

  Like all Belgian manufactured Comblains, the right side of the receiver is conventionally marked for royalty payment purposes "COMBLAIN" above "BREVETE" ("Brevete" means "Patent" in French) above the rifle's Patent Royalty Number, and all above the inspection punch “NC in a circle.”

  The serial number or Batch Number is also located on the lower right side of the receiver and is carried through on significant parts such as some of the action parts and bayonet bar.


All of the batch numbers are also carried on many of the major components of the rifle, including the bayonet bar.

NOTE:  This “GB mark is NOT found on Chilean Comblains.

 The left side of the receiver only carries small inspection marks, "Crown over AF" in the case of Auguste Francotte, "Crown over NC", and inspection mark the meaning of which we have not deciphered, or "Crown over JC", also uncertain meaning.


Photo Credit Comblain Carmen Wendi


Photo Credit Chilean Comblain Kristopher Gassior 

  The top barrel flat is marked with the manufacturer’s name, "A FRANCOTTE" or "G. MORDANT" each forward of the ubiquitous "Crown over JC" inspection mark.  See DEVELOPMENT, above.


  Liège proof marking always appear on all Comblains on the left barrel flat or the upper left barrel flat, generally consisting of the Liège Perron (tower) with the "E over LG over * (star) in an oval", these two denoting proofing, along with a "star over (initial)" being a final inspection.

comblain mra prix du gouvernement-18.JPG




  Buttstock markings are nearly always present and can be a “star above MDELE in a shield” a "star over M.JiP." in a unique seven-pointed outline.  


Maestranzas del Ejercito  

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Maestranzas del Ejercito  


Maestranzas Jeneral i Parque

   (For a long time I have been mistaken with regard to the meaning of the buttstock cartouches appearing on Chilean Comblain rifles, and I may even have misled Jonathan Kirton during his research regarding the meaning of these stamps.  I regret the error.)

  Based on correspondence that we received from Sr. Luis HERNANDEZ MU OSTES, a Chilean national with extensive experience regarding Chilean arms of this period, it now appears that the following is correct regarding interpretation of these cartouches:

  The shield and the national star of Chile encompassing the abbreviation "M del E" represents "Maestranzas del Ejercito" (military or army workshops),


  Maestranzas, like many if not all words of all languages, has a meaning that may vary depending on context.  In this context almost certainly meaning:   “Workshops and offices where military arms are built and rebuilt, as well as the carts and tools necessary for their service,” in other words, an armory or arsenal.  Thus:  "Maestranzas del Ejercito" = Army (Military) Arsenal.

  A star shape encompassing a star and the abbreviation "M.JiP." is the mark of the "Maestranzas Jeneral i Parque" meaning "General workshops and storage," or more literally “General Armory Park,” “Park” in this case might include barracks (see by way of example:  But here, the meaning is more a storage facility (a depot, including ammo depot), so "General Army Depot".



  Almost identical to that of the M1870 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain rifle, except for weight.

Chilean Comblain Rifle


Overall Length:  1,200 mm (47.5 in)

Barrel Length:   832mm (32.75 in)

Rifling:  4-groove; RH, concentric

Weight, empty:  4.2 Kg (9 lb 4 oz)

Sight:  Ramp & leaf, graduated from 200m (220 yds) to 1,000 m (1,100 yds)

  (interestingly, the Chilean Comblain is 4 oz lighter than the M1870 Comblain . . . bronze is heavier than steel!)

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Photo Credit:



  None known.



  Chile, like many other South American countries, adopted M1866 French Chassepot rifles and these would have almost certainly included the M1866 French yatagan bayonet, perhaps the most influential bayonet of the 19th century.  Chilean versions, though, would most likely have been manufactured by German producers rather than French armories

  The Museo Histórico Carabineros de Chile (Chilean Police Historical Museum) lists two bayonets that it identifies with the Chilean Comblain, the first being an 1842 French yatagan bayonet which would have most certainly been adopted with a muzzleloading rifle perhaps an M1842 or M1857 French musket (fusil d'infanterie modèle 1857, a predecessor to the French M1853/67 Tabatière rifles).  Despite the museum's tag, this bayonet would have had to have been noticeably altered to function with the Comblain and is unlikely to have been. 


  The second bayonet in the museum's collection is identified as a German M1866 yatagan bayonet made by St. Etienne, Which cannot be since St Etienne is a French national armory. Nevertheless, it remains very highly likely that the bayonet adopted for use with the Chilean Cumberland rifle would have been a M1866 French yatagan pattern manufactured in Germany, perhaps by Alex Coppell, or perhaps by Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Cie, both of Solingen.


  We illustrate here just such a bayonet, unknown manufacturer, only a “Circle P” on the base of the blade and a small mark on the crossguard filial.  Not French manufacture, but possibly private contract French issue from a serial number on the crossguard.

  We cannot be certain to which rifle this bayonet was originally provided for, but, similarly to so very many bayonets of this period, it mounts perfectly to one of the Chilean Comblain pictured here. (As well, we might add, this particular bayonet also mounts to the M1870 Belgian Comblain, the M1873 Brazilian Comblains, and even perfectly to the M1884 Uruguayan short rifle, not a Comblain but also, unsurprisingly, manufactured by Auguste Francotte).


The prefix letter U was utilized by the French to indicate a foreign manufacturer, not one of the French state armories. Fascinatingly, this serial number is squarely within the Chilean Comblain 4th order of rifles by Chile, certainly suggesting that this could indeed be a Chilean Comblain bayonet.

  These two plates are photos of the Chilean Comblain Bayonets in use by Chile during the traumatic War of the Pacific (1879-1883).  Both sides, Chile vs. the Peru-Bolivian Alliance, were armed with a multitude of different arms creating significant logistical headaches.  Same with the bayonets.


  The three bayonets pictured here are just for the Chilean Comblains!

Bayonets, Gras & Comblain.jpg
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From the Book:  Chilean Equipment in the Pacific War

Chilean Equipment in the Pacific War.jpg


  Please refer to the CARTRIDGES section of the page:  COMBLAINS page for indepth cartridge information.

  Note, however, that multiple South American Spanish-language sources state that the Comblain adopted by Chile and the M1874 Chilean Gras produced by Steyr for Chile were both deliberately adapted to the same cartridge.  On the surface, this seems highly unlikely.  However, considering the especially loose chamber dimensions of the Comblains generally, this is not outrageous.  For example, the Chilean Comblains represented here will chamber and eject a Gras cartridge, as well as the Austrian M1867 (and M1877 Patrone) cartridges. While not ideal, the cartridges, especially the earlier coiled brass cartridges, may well have been functionally interchangeable between these arms.

  For an excellent brief article on the Comblain and its cartridge history by Historian Brad Dixon, a New Zealand Cartridge Collector,  click here ----> Comblain Drawn Case Cartridges


  Kirton writes it appears from historical documents relating to the size and equipment of the Chilean army, based on the number of the army's battalions and its soldiers, that by 1884 the Chilean Army was “fully equipped” with Comblains, and that judging from those numbers the total orders must have eventually grown to very close to 70,000 Chilean model Comblain rifles.

  However, if some of the units counted above were equipped with the 20,000 contemporaneous M1874 Steyr contract Gras manufactured for Chile from 1877-1880, Comblain numbers may be that much lower.  Below are Kiron's estimations.



  The specific variety of all steel Comblain carbina employed by Chile does not appear to have ever been adopted by any other country.  However, the Belgian civil guard adopted a nearly identical rifle (M1870 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain), as did Brazil (M1874 Brazilian Comblain).


Predecessor Rifle:  

  The War of the Pacific began in 1879 and lasted until October of 1883 and ultimately resulted in the modernization of Chile’s armed forces and its small arms.  At the beginning of the conflict Chile’s army was armed with more than 22 different types of rifles requiring more than 14 different types of ammunition, including muzzle-loading French Minié rifles, “Preichets” (likely Pritchett muzzle-loading rifles, similar to the British P53 Enfield), M1860 Spencers, Modèle 1866 Chassepots,  M1866 Snider-Enfields, M1866 Winchesters, M1871 Beaumonts, Chilean Comblains, and M1874/77 Steyr Gras.


Example of a privately produced M1866 Chassepot rifle of the type adopted by Chile

Contemporary Rifle(s): 


A M1874 Chilean Gras Manufactured by Steyr for the Chilean Armed Forces


Follow-On Rifle(s): M1886 Mannlicher

  Chile was not a safe or restful place in the late 1880s and the country continued to stay abreast of European and American arms development.  A rifle adopted by Chile, concurrently with Austria’s adoption was the M1886 Austrian Mannlicher straight-pull rifles chambered for the almost obsolete 11x58Rmm.  The rifles were used by the Chilean Army as late as the Chilean Civil War of 1891-92.


A Chilean-marked M1886 Mannlicher



  These are photos of a likely 4th Order Chilean Comblain.  Note to the :Crown over NC rather than “Crown over JC” more commonly seen.  This “Crown over NC” is repeated on the left side of the receiver, although interestingly, for unknown reasons, made with a different punch!

Photos Credits: Andrew Zink




A special thanks to Luis HERNANDEZ MU OSTES and Andrew Zink!

Militärgewehre mit Fallblockverschluss - Heino Hintermeier

The Comblain Rifle an Early Falling Block BreechLoader - Jonathan Grenville Kirton

The History and Development of Small Arms Ammunition, George A. Hoyem, VOL II-Centerfire Primitive and Martial Long Arms, Armory Publications, Tacoma, 1982

To learn more about Comblain Rifles, we strongly encourage you to read or purchase this fine book by Jonathan Kirton! 


Page built June 4, 1997
Revised March 29, 1998
Revised November 19, 1999

Updated: Oct 29, 2021

Updated: Dec 14, 2024

Updated: Jan 30.,2025

Copyright 1997-2025 Keith Doyon & Josh Underkofler 

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