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Military Rifles in the Age of Transition
(Non-U.S.) Black Powder, Metallic Cartidge, Military Rifles
1865 to 1890
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M1876 Krag-Peterson Naval Rifle

GENERALLY: Please see the letters below for additional information.
PHOTO: The rifle above is a M1876 Krag-Peterson rifle, built for the Norwegian navy
DISTINGUISHING CHARECTERISTICS: A variation on the Peabody action fired by a large, manually cocked, central-hammer The central hammer also acted as the breech-block's operating lever, serving the same function as the under-levers of the Peabody and the Martini-Henry rifles. Amazingly, this was the only rifle to have successfully (a relative term when one discussed the unsuccessful Krag-Peterson) incorporated a repeating mechanism into the hugely successful Peabody pivoting-block series of single-shot rifles. Unfortunately, the rifle, in the late year of 1876, was manufactured chambered for the same cartridge as the Norwegian Remington Rolling block, 12.17mm, when contemporary rifles were being chambered for 11mm cartridges or smaller. A brilliant idea that just didn't work very well in the real world.
MISC NOTES: In response to some e-mailing back and forth I received a wonderful letter from a correspondent in Norway. The bulk of the letter concerned the Norwegian Jarmann but it also included this tantalizing paragraph:
Subj: Re: Jarmann
Date: 00-03-21 19:57:45 EST
To: KeithDoyon@MilitaryRifles(.)com
(reference to the Norwegian Jarmann) ...
Oh yes, I said once that the Krag Petersson was adopted by the Norwegian navy. The navy adopted the Krag Petersson with magazine under the barrel in 1876. It was in 12mm, I think the same as the Remington, although it doesnt say anything else than 12mm in my book. it would be logical that it is the same as the Remington. it was rimfire at least. Under 1000 were made.
Date: 02-01-17 16:24:28 EST
From: (Trond Wikborg)
To: KeithDoyon@MilitaryRifles(.)com
Dear Keith,
It seems as if some people already have made links to my site - so who cares.... Please feel free to make a link if you feel for it.
Here's a little text for the Krag Petersson:
The Krag-Peterson rifle, developed in conjunction between Ole H. Krag (later the director of Kongsberg Våpenfabrikk) and Axel Petersson (Swedish engineer) was to be the first of Krag's rifle developments.
The Krag Petersson had a falling block type mechanism where the block dropped when the hammer was pulled all the way back. The rifle was fitted with a tubular magazine under the barrel. It was chambered for the 12.17 mm rim-fire cartridge and was adopted by the Norwegian navy in 1876. The bayonet virtualle the same as for the M1867 Remington, but with the serial number stamped on the brass guard.
Only about 900 of these rifles were made, about half of them at Carl Gustavsberg Gevärfactori in Sweden, the other half at Carl-Johans Vern in Horten, Norway.
Subj: krag petterson
Date: 01-11-29 14:35:41 EST
From: (Johan van der Linden)
I have a krag petterson rifle, made for the norwegian navy. This gun is dated 1875, has serial number 451, and is made by Carl Gustafs. Its possible to make pictures of this rifle but it has been changed in a huntig gun. The barrel has been shortened a little (the bajonet fitting is gone) and the back stock has been changed too. But the system is complete. Today I also have seen a bajonet for this gun an it's almost simular as a 1867 sabre, only the loooks slighty different.
Let me know if i can help.
Greetings, Johan
Note: The following photos were kindly provided my Mr. van der Linden. I am especially pleased that he was able to send photos of the action parts disassembled!! They demonstrate the amazing conglomeration is the Krag-Petterson rifle!
If you will look at the photos below, you will note that the hammer pivoting on it's cross pin, as well as the cross-pin
locking flat is "borrowed" from Remington. The breech block is a classic Peabody variation, and the magazine came
directly from the design of the Swiss Vetterli!!

Page first built September 16, 1999
Revised March 21, 2000
Revised January 29, 2001
Finally completed the first full version: August 31, 2003
Updated: Nov 6, 2021