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Military Rifles in the Age of Transition
(Non-U.S.) Black Powder, Metallic Cartidge, Military Rifles
1865 to 1890
(A Research, Photo-Identification and Information Website since 1997)
M1890 Italian Vetterli-Ferracciu

(Drawing courtesy of Eduardo Fontenla)
GENERALLY: (Information from Walters, Rifles of the World) In 1890 a few surviving Vetterli-Bertoldos were converted to the 4-round Ferracciu' box magazine system. The Vetterli-Bertoldo stocks were retained keeping the more massive looks of the Bertoldos, but balance was much improved.
PHOTO: The rifle shown in the drawings above is a M1890 Italian Naval Vetterli-Ferracciu, possibly converted from the M1870/82 Vetterli-Bertoldo.
FURTHER READINGS: Armi Lunghe D'Ordinanza 1841-1890; Guida Pratica All'Identificazionne (Ordnance Shoulder Arms 1841-1890; Guide to their Identification), Massimo Pagani, Brescia, 1997, Pg 188.
The following photographs of an actual M1890 Italian Vetterli-Ferracciu' (a rare rifle) were made possible through the warm generosity of M. Oscar Groppo:

These drawings from Armi Lunghe D'Ordinanza 1841-1890; Guida Pratica All'Identificazionne, Massimo Pagani

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Built at the Italian Armory in Venice
Page first built: May 29, 1999
Revised January 16, 2003
Updated: Nov 5, 2021