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1865 to 1890
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(Modèle 1881 Fusil Comblain)

M1881 Comblain for the Persian Government
Today it is modern day Iran, but in the 1860s to 1890s and for thousands of years previously, it was Assyria, and then Persia.
From 1804 to 1808 Persia was involved in two Russo-Persian wars concluding in 1828 which resulted in significant loss of Persian territory to Russia in the Caucuses and a long-term loss of Persian military strength and international standing. Eventually, in 1848 Naser el-Din Dhah Qajar came to power and proved to be an able and successful sovereign. This time frame, until his assassination in 1896, was a period of relative peace for Persia, although there were intermittent revolts and insurrections.
A notable exception to this period of peace was the Anglo-Persian War of 1856, a 5-month conflict that came about when Naser el-Din attempted to seize Herat in 1856. The conflict that followed resulted in a the British withdrawing from Southern Iran but, importantly for our purposes, the British also forming an alliance with the Emirate of Kabul, which The British wanted to serve as a buffer against Russian expansion and helped to evolve into the modern state of Afghanistan. This will become important later (see BACKGROUND, below).
The Qajar dynasty (1789–1925) took a while to subdue drama in the region but it eventually saw the country transition from local tribal leadership to more modern, centralized rule. But like much of the under-developed world in this era, Iran too became entangled in the overpowering rivalries among the European superpowers going on throughout the Middle East involving Britain, France, Russia and the Ottomans. As a result of Persia/Iran suffering significant losses in the Caucasus, the government was spurred to embark upon a modernization that resulted in unprecedented importation of military, technological, and cultural advances from Europe, including then modern firearms.
On October 7th, 2001, barely a month after a terrorist attack on the United States on September 11th, 2001, a coalition of military forces led by and consisting substantially of American military forces, invaded the country of Afghanistan in an effort to dismantle the Muslim political group known as the Taliban, Which had ruled Afghanistan since coming to power in in 1996, after the withdrawal of Russian forces (again, for the third time in little more than a century) from that country following the 10 year Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989).
During the 20 years that American forces tried their hand at occupying Afghanistan, a large trove of 19th century rifles made their way to the US via American service members. Virtually all of these rifles arrived on American shores in substantially similar condition, to the point that it became easy for collectors to recognize previous Afghanistan utilized 19th century weapons. Such rifles had at one time been completely, very darkly patinaed, but for whatever reason Kabul merchants decided that American GIs wanted arms that were bright and shiny, and so they spared no effort with sandpaper and wire wheels to make them shiny everywhere except the hard-to-reach places and parts. Additionally, wood was virtually never in particularly good condition and most such rifles had small missing parts such as screws, sling swivels and missing or mismatched cleaning rods. We here discuss this because most experienced collectors of 19th century rifles simply recognize Afghan origin rifles virtually immediately, the importance of which becomes obvious in the next section.
It should be noted clearly here at the outset that our identification of the rifles highlighted in this page are speculative, and may not align completely with the research and suggestions of Jonathan Kirton, who is in all likelihood the premier Anglosphere expert on Comblains. Even in the 21st century, much historical research leaves considerable room for varying interpretations. We invite anyone who can shed light on these Comblain models to please chime in.
That being said, we have personally, physically inspected, or closely reviewed sets of photographs, of five different M1881 Comblains. All are identical but for serial numbers and patent royalty numbers and all have been manufactured by Auguste Francotte, Liege, gun makers. All five came to the US via American service members serving in Afghanistan, and all these rifles having previously led an obviously long life in Afghanistan. None of these are one-offs, they are all part of a specific contract/series of rifles. There must be a good reason why multiple examples have been found in Afghanistan.
M1881 Comblain rifles have been identified as part of the estimated 1,000 or so Persian contract of 1882 rifles, described by Jonathan Kirton (Gun Report Vol 50, Number 5, Oct 2004, at page 17). All of the rifles pictured here are rather rough, which is not surprising considering that they are Afghan war bring-backs by US service members.

Even though the operating mechanism and overall design of the M1881 rifle followed its M1870 family of predecessors, this was an all new rifle with almost everything about it being somewhat different, improved, and virtually none of its parts interchangeable with the m1870. (See extensive DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS below).
Kirton states that there is contemporary evidence for a Persian order of Comblain rifles "evidently during or soon after 1882." Should this have been the case, it's entirely conceivable that the changes to the model adopted by the Belgians which became the basis of the M1882 Belgian Garde Civique, might not have yet been ready for full production, and thus the slightly earlier M1881 may well have been supplied to fulfill this order.
It is our tentative position, supported only by circumstantial evidence, but good evidence nonetheless, that this is substantially what happened and is why we present the rifles pictured here as the M1881 Persian Comblain.
From this point it is not at all difficult to imagine that these rifles may have migrated from Persia to Afghanistan (and from Afghanistan eventually to American collectors) once they had become obsolete after the Persians adopted smokeless powder rifles at the turn of the 20th century.
Easily as likely: When the British allied with the Emirate of Kabul, whatever weapons were in the position of the Emir, formerly a Persian possession, almost certainly remained in Kabul, modern day Afghanistan. (Not entirely dissimilar from how Afghanistan today possesses a vast quantity of American arms and ammunition!)

While production was never on par with the American made Remington No1 Rolling Block rifles (premier examples being the M1868 & M1870 Spanish Remingtons), nor even with the numbers of British Martini Henrys or Providence Tool Company Peabody and Peabody-Martini Rifles produced, the basic M1870 Comblain was certainly a successful rifle for its time, seeing adoption across multiple different countries in Europe and South America. Still, by 1880 the design was due for a refresh and the companies making up the consortium manufacturing the Comblain undertook improvements in the rifle, both as to design and quality control. In 1881 the Liège syndicate introduced the all new and significantly improved Fusil Comblain Modèle 1881 (Comblain rifle model 1881), featuring an extended all steel action with sling swivels located as originally designed, ahead of the receiver and below the upper barrel band.

These drawings found in the booklet “LE FUSIL COMBLAIN Modèle 1881” published by Lambin & Théate describing features of both the Modèle 1881 and the Modèle 1882. (via Jonathan Kirton, at pg 57).
Firstly, note that the all steel M1881 rifle is much more robust than the earlier phosphor-bronze M1870 and has an arguably more compact and elegant receiver. The M1881 Comblain has no bronze parts whatsoever. Its receiver is redesigned and is 4 inches (102 mm) long not including tangs, compared with the M1870’s 3 ¼” (82 mm) length, while only being 2 1/8” (53 mm) high, which is about ¼” (approximately 6 mm) shorter than the earlier version. When describing the M1870 Comblain, this includes the whole family of M1873+ Brazilian Comblains as well as the Chilean Comblain Rifle, which are patterned after the earlier Belgian rifle, so these comparisons apply to Brazil’s and Chile’s models as well.

Top: M1870 Garde Civique, Center: M1881 “Improved” , Bottom: M1882 Garde Civique
Like the M1870, the M1881 Persian rifle has two barrel bands and a nosecap. Also like the earlier Comblains, the upper sling swivel of the M1881 is fitted below the upper band and the lower sling swivel located at a tang slotted into the front of the receiver.

via Kristopher Gassior,
However, now starting with the M1881, the upper barrel band is formed with an integral bayonet lug in addition to provision for its sling swivel, that band being virtually identical to the upper band utilized on the M1871 British Martini-Henry series of rifles. Since the earlier bayonet bar and tenon are gone, and the bayonet mounts to its upper band lug, the nosecap of the M1882 is now mounted only 2 ½” (64 mm) back from the muzzle.

The design of the hammer of this new Comblains is also noticeably different from the earlier M1870 (and wholly unlike the shrouded hammers of the Brazilian family noted above). Where the M1870 hammer has a decidedly forward tilt and sharp upper edge, the M1881 hammer is higher and rounded well back. This provides for a far more comfortable thumb grip with which to place the hammer in half-cock safety as well as full-cock for firing.

Top: M1870 Garde Civique , Center: M1881 “Improved”, Bottom: M1882 Garde Civique
The buttstock now is carved with a tenon on its front end to fit into the rear of the receiver, much like the aforementioned British Martini Henry buttstock, so that upper tang of the M1881 need only require one screw to secure it, in contrast to the that of the M1870 whose upper tang is longer and fitted with two screws. (See the set of drawings taken from the booklet “LE FUSIL COMBLAIN Modèle 1881” published by Lambin & Théate describing both the Modèle 1881 and the Modèle 1882 reproduced above.
The trigger guard/operating lever is also somewhat simplified and has now also been enlarged towards the front, so that it is easier to use to manipulate.

The improved rear sight is graduated from 100 to 400m on the left side of the base with a strong notch above the 300m mark and is fitted with a much longer sight leaf, the leaf continuing to be graduated from 500 to 1000m (110 to 1,094 yds).

Left: M1882 Garde Civique, Center: M1881 “Improved”, Right: M1870 Garde Civique
The operating mechanism is of the M1881 Persian rifle is identical to that of the earlier M1870 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain as well as the immediately following M1882 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain. (See those pages for detailed descriptions).
Like virtually all Comblain rifles, from the M1870 to the M1888 Belgian “Country Guards Carbine”, the right side of the receiver is marked "COMBLAIN" above "BREVETE" above the rifle's Patent Royalty Number. (Note that "Brevete" means "Patent" in French).

Photo credit: Brian Fenchek

via Kristopher Gassior,
However, with the introduction of the M1881, the Batch Number or serial number is now relocated to the left side of the receiver below a "Crown over AF" marking denoting manufacturer by Auguste Francotte.

via Kristopher Gassior,

via Kristopher Gassior,

Photo credit: Brian Fenchek via
Photo credit: Brian Fenchek

Photo credit via
The left top flat of the receiver is has a tiny "Star over R" inspector's stamp. The barrel's top barrel flat is marked with a "Crown over JC" (___), while the upper left barrel flat is stamped "A. FRANCOTTE" above "A LIÈGE".

The left side of the barrel ahead of the receiver carries Liege proof markings including the "E over LG over * " in an oval, denoting proofing coupled with the Liège Perron (Tower) and another "Star over R" inspector's mark.

The right side of the barrel at the receiver carries a tiny stamp which we are uncertain about but believe to be a very tiny "Crown over AF" in an oval.

The right side of the buttstock is stamped with a cursive "JC" ahead of the roundel cartouche of the manufacturer, A. FRANCOTTE A LIÈGE, surrounding the ubiquitous LIÈGE Perron Tower marking. Despite the buttstock stamping being deep and substantial, rifles coming out of Afghanistan rarely exhibit much in the way of legible cartouches.

Typical cartouche as seen on a typical M1881, if such a cartouche is present at all

The is what the A. Francotte cartouche is suppose to look like on the right side buttstock of the M1881 Comblain rifle.
M1881 Persian Comblain Rifle
Overall Length: 1,265 mm (94.75 in)
Weight, empty: 4.2 kg (9 lbs 4 ozs)
Barrel Length: 880 mm (34.6 in)
Rifling: 4-groove; RH, concentric
Sight: Ramp & Leaf graduated from 100m (110 yds) to 1,000 m (1,094 yds)

See also the photo above of the side-by-side Models M1870, M1881 & M1882 Comblain rear sights
None known.
The specific bayonet which might have been supplied with the M1881 Persian Comblain rifle is unknown, but given that this rifle is fitted with the identical pinned through the stock upper barrel band/sling swivel/bayonet lug as fitted to the closely related M1882 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain, it is reasonable to believe that it would have been supplied with a substantially similar bayonet.

This series photos credit:
Such a bayonet would likely be the M1882 épée (sword) bayonet, very similar to that of the épée bayonet supplied to the M1874 French Gras rifle.
We believe that this bayonet would have been manufactured by Auguste Franccotte as were the rifles, and marked at the base of the blade "AF" and may also have carried the bayonet's Batch or Serial Number on the cross guard, similar to that of the M1882 Comblain bayonet.

The photos illustrated here are of a M1882 Belgian Garde Civique Comblain bayonet, very similar to what we believe may have been the M1882/84 Moroccan bayonet. Note that unlike the French bayonet, the handle or grip has a straight back rather than the slight shoulder of the French Mle1874.
We know that these photos are of a Guard Civique bayonet because the markings "559 AI" are those of the matching rifle’s Batch Number and “AI” denotes the Belgian city of Verviers.

Belgian T-back, Gras-Type épée (sword) bayonet marked by the manufacturer on the front of the crossguard: “Crown over AF above
Typical bayonet description:
Handle: Steel pommel with a very accentuated pointed beak. Pommel with oblique but solid cut-out, without fixing groove or push button. No flat outer spring. The wooden plates are held on each side by two rivets with domed heads on cups. The hand guard has a curved quillion turned towards the blade, it is not pierced on the side of the ring.
Blade: T-blade with cutting edge and counter-edge for approximately 140 mm. Scabbard: Steel scabbard with small oval end knob. Notes: The blade of this bayonet is virtually identical to the French blade of the 1874 model. It can also be housed in a French scabbard. It differs from the Gras blade in the markings. Indeed, it does not bear a manufacture marking on the back of the blade, but in general the initials LD close to the hand guard.
Overall length: 65.6 cmBlade
Length: 52.2 cm
Blade width at base: ___mm
Muzzle Ring diameter: ___mm Kiesling: ___
Unknown, but believed to be the standard M1880 11.4x51R or 11x50R Belgian Comblain cartridge. See “Cartridge” at: M1882 Civil Guard Comblain Rifle
An estimated 1,000 or so Persian contract of 1882 rifles described by Jonathan Kirton (Gun Report Vol 50, Number 5, Oct 2004, at page 17). To date, all examples identified have been manufactured by Auguste Francotte & Cie., of Liège, Belgium.

Afghanistan. These are believed to be the same contract of rifles.
Predecessor: M1867 Austrian Werndl

Successor: Not known with certainty, but believed to be a contract for supplies of German Gewehr M1888 “Commission” rifles.
Armémuseum (Swedish Army Museum), Stockholm
Pictured below is a M1881 Comblain rifle has been identified as part of the Persian contract of 1882 rifles described by Jonathan Kirton (Gun Report Vol 50, Number 5, Oct 2004, at page 17). The rifle is rather rough, which is not surprising considering that it is an Afghan war bring-back by a US service member. The wood is raw and showing numerous small handling marks although no major cracks, and only a couple of slivers missing from the cleaning rod channel. There is a hole in the lower buttstock which may be from a previously mounted lower sling swivel.

Top: M1870 Garde Civique, Center: M1881 “Improved” , Bottom: M1882 Garde Civique
Top: M1870 Garde Civique, Center: M1881 “Improved” , Bottom: M1882 Garde Civique

The Comblain Rifle an Early Falling Block BreechLoader - Jonathan Grenville Kirton
Militärgewehre mit Fallblockverschluss - Heino Hintermeier
The History and Development of Small Arms Ammunition, George A. Hoyem, VOL II-Centerfire Primitive and Martial Long Arms, Armory Publications, Tacoma, 1982
Fusil Comblain de la Garde Civique Belge, L Davreux & E de Troyer, Imp. Desoer, Liege 1885
To learn even more about Comblain Rifles, we strongly encourge you to read or purchase this fine book by Jonathan Kirton!
Page Built 12/14/24
Updated 1/22/25